Sunday, February 5, 2012


On February 2, while everyone waited for a groundhog to see his shadow in the States, Uruguayans were paying tribute to Yemanja, the African goddess of the sea.
Playa Ramirez
 An Umbanda ritual. Umbanda is a Afro-Brazilian syncretic religion, mixing African elements with those of Catholicism.

Offerings to Yemaja

Boats are filled with gifts to the goddess, and placed
in the river as an offering.

Spiritual cleansing ritual; including spitting over the shoulder.
With the wind, I should have been on the other side.

Thousands of candles were placed in the sand. Quite beautiful
in the dark. Unfortunately those pics didn't show anything.

People taking offerings into the river.

With my housemate, Cecilia.

Umbanda drummers prepping for a performance.

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