Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tucuta and Candombe Fusion

Looking back to September 29. These videos are from the Tucuta Nyanzá concert I attended on September 29 in Sala Zitarrosa. The show was promoted as "candombe-fusion." I've also included here the complete set by Berta Pereira and Pollo Píriz, which was for me the highlight of the night. "Tucuta" is the nickname of Ricardo "Tucuta" Soto, and his current band Nyanzá, which I've also seen spelled Ñanza. The following is my translation of a description of the show with some history; in general I've found more extensive info is difficult to come by:

"Candombe-fusion refers to an original repertory of music from Montevideo, the capital of candombe, and combines elements of jazz, rock-and-roll, and Afro-Latin rhythms. The group Nyanza continues the instrumental lineage of Lady Jones, serving to support the music composed by songwriter and musician Ricardo "Tucuta"Soto. Nyanzá's repertoire combines the classic instrumentaion of Lady Jones and new versions of songs by Uruguayan composers Eduardo Mateo and Georginho Gularte, among others. Also featured are versions of 'Alfonsina y el mar' by Ariel Ramirez, 'Los ejes de mi carreta' by Atahualpa Yupanqui, and 'Frente al mar' by Marionito Mores; these versions include the fusion of jazz and African rhythms."

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